a hydroponic nutrient calculator

to help you grow delicious tasteful crops

NFT Hydro - Hygrotech Hydroponic Mineral Nutrient's

For use with Hygrotech products (see product information and disclaimer below).


1. Measure your current EC (Electrical conductivity), making sure your EC meter has been recently calibrated.

2. Choose the desired crop type (your crop type) and set your nutrient mix tank (re-circulation) size in Liters (L).

3. Then drag the circle selectors to set the (your) current source and desired target EC (Electrical conductivity).

  • Note: Apple iOS browser sometimes has issues displaying the round sliders so please use the middlemost numeric text value to set the source and target EC values.


The calculation will provide you with a guideline on how many grams of each product to add to your nutrient tank. Be sure to first dissolve the suggested nutrient amounts into a smaller amount of water (concentrate), then only add to your nutrient mix/re-circulation tank. Check readings again after a minimum of 2 hours/daily and re-perform the calculation.


Note: This concentrated mix can be harmful to your eyes and skin as it's fairly acidic.

Being acidic it will also lower the pH of your nutrient tank slightly (approximately 3%) based on the volumes added. A natural pH down.

Instructions and links to the Hygrotech Nutrient guideline and labels are provided further below.



What is your crop type?
Please select from the options alongside.
What is your nutrient mix tank size in Liters (L):
Your nutrient feed re-circulation tank size.

Drag the circle selectors to set the desired source and targets EC values. The middle numeric value may also be edited. The calculated values are updated and displayed below.

Note: Apple iOS browser sometimes has issues displaying the round sliders so please use the middle most numeric text value to set the source and target EC values.

Round Slider

Set your Source EC

Round Slider

Set your Target EC

Hygrotech Nutrient Mix Amounts:

Hygroponic (NPK + Micro Nutrients): 0g (0.0Kg),    
Solu-Cal (Calcium Nitrate): 0g (0.0Kg),
Ultrasol KPlus (Potassium Nitrate): (if required) 0g (0.0Kg).


Off target by: 0.00%
Use Aggressive Calculation Factor:

Disclaimer: Use at own risk! This option uses a more aggressive nutrient calculation, and is for advanced growers. Incorrect nutrient dosing may lead to leaf burn and crop failure, use the aggressive calculation at your own risk!

Information / Instructions:

NFT Hydro - Hygrotech Hydroponic Mineral Nutrient's


Mix the suggested values to a smaller amount of fresh water (concentrate), stir/shake till all granules are completely dissolved, then only add the concentrated nutrient water to your nutrient  supply re-circulation tank, stir/mix well to distribute nutrients. Re-test in 2 hours or more and repeat calculations to achieve your desired EC. The Hygrotech nutrient mix values reference book and product labels can be downloaded below.


Download: HYGROTECH Nutrient Mix Quantities Reference
Download: Hygrotech - Hygroponic (NPK Blend) Label
Download: Hygrotech - Solu-Cal (Calcium Nitrate) Label
Download: Hygrotech - Ultra-Sol (Potassium Nirate) Label


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Hygrotech Nutrient Mix Amounts:

Hygroponic (NPK + Micro Nutrients) -
Solu-Cal (Calcium Nitrate) -
Ultrasol KPlus (Potassium Nitrate) -


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Give us your feedback:  Contact Us

DISCLAIMER: The information provided is given in good faith as a general guide only. Significant variations may occur due to geographic location, climate, water/soil type, water/soil conditions, cultural practises and other grower and development factors. No liability will be accepted by NFT Hydro or HYGROTECH or any of its representatives as to the accuracy of this information.

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